I have a life-long obsession with disruptive products that change the way people think and the way people see the world. This is why I’ve had such a deep interest in crypto technologies since 2014.
I see Backters as the perfect expression of disruptive technology, product and service that will change the way traditional financial opportunities are accessed and serviced with people that otherwise wouldn’t have access to them or that access is extremely hard to process.
The technology within Backters allows us to take these opportunities to anyone with an internet connection and service them with far less friction. The business model behind Backters is well established and proven at delivering amazing value to investors.
The scale for this is astonishing, and a totally disruptive game changer of traditional financial products. I see a world where Backters transacts with and brings value to millions of users.
Favourite quote:
“First simplify, then add lightness” – Colin Chapman, Lotus Cars